GaGa Ball Doesn’t Stop After Summer Camp!

Camp counselors playing GaGa Ball game in school gymIt’s that time of year when “Campers of The Year” are being awarded and CIT’s are hoping to never see another s’more, but that doesn’t mean everything kids love about summer camp has to be a fading memory as school supplies are bought and teacher assignments start coming out. Over the past few years, more and more campers have become addicted to the game of GaGa Ball and GaGa Pits have become a staple of camps from coast to coast. And for good reason! GaGa Ball is a fantastic game that provides more than just healthy physical activity, but is also easy to learn, fast-paced and unpredictable fun, and kids of all ages and athletic abilities can enjoy playing it together.

So as students hit the books again, consider bringing this awesome game back to school with them. It can easily move indoors with a portable GaGa Ball Pit / Octoball Court which can accommodate an entire classroom full of kids without requiring dedicated space. GaGa Ball makes a great study break and provides an outlet for fidgety children who just need to get out some energy before they can be expected to concentrate on academics.

Students playing Octoball game in classroom

Lets face it, schools have cut back on gym classes and with tight budgets have difficulty finding the space to provide much needed physical education activities. Add to that the fact that many of our schools are located in regions where the weather doesn’t always allow for outdoor play during the academic year and we have the recipe for restless students. GaGa Ball has already surged in popularity at summer camps and I believe the next wave has already begun – bringing portable GaGa pits into our schools!